
ApricotWriter was conceived by an Educational Psychologist, who has a background in business, as a way to improve the efficiency of writing reports.

As a significant amount of time is spent in deriving usable scores from the raw data, then placing these scores within the body of the report, it was realised that automating this part of the process would result an appreciable time saving.

In addition, having to input the scores only once, and automating the look-up process, reduces the chance of typographic and clerical errors.

Input scale scores and standard scores once into an easy to use form and within a few minutes you will receive a editable report by email.

  1. The program asks for the students first name only. It is left to the psychologist to complete the identification information of surname, address, and date of birth on the report. This only needs to be added once, and this mechanism also safeguards the confidentiality of the client.
  2. Index and IQ scores, which have been automatically calculated, are contained within the descriptive narrative of the report, which you can  edit and to which you can apply your interpretive expertise. Also included are the results tables for intelligence and attainments tests, including  percentile and descriptive categories.
  3. A short and long report option is provided. The short report gives index scores, while the long report also gives subtest scores.